Our Vision
We are a faith community in the Anabaptist tradition of historic peace churches. Following our forebears, we take the whole New Testament as our creed, convinced there is wisdom in widening our perspective as we interpret and attempt to live out Jesus’ message in light of our time and context. In the spirit of Jesus’ ministry of love and compassion, our vision includes openness and respect for all people, respect for the natural world and its creatures, and respect for diverse religious traditions.
Lay Ministry at Ellisforde
With a part-time pastor, we depend on an active lay ministry to share in the leadership and programs of the church, including preaching, music, worship leading, and committee work. We also depend on each other for creative ideas, theological insight, mutual care, and carrying out the work of the spirit in our faith community, our wider community, and in the world.
Our Statement of Welcome
At Ellisforde we strive to continue the work of Jesus peacefully, simply, and together. We are called by Christ to be an inclusive community as we live out our peace tradition. This means regardless of race, ethnic identity, age, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, diverse abilities, economic and life situation, or faith tradition, you are welcome here!

Our pastor is Daniel Klayton, who is currently serving remotely from British Columbia due to COVID-19 restrictions. You can reach Daniel at daniel.klayton@gmail.com or 703-618-4948. While serving remotely, Daniel is also available for Zoom appointments as requested.